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Ion Beam Laboratory News and Activity


New Projects

New RTEs

Burkan Isgor Oregon State University Irradiation of stainless steel claddings produced by additive manufacturing for in-core applications University of Wisconsin – Ion Beam Laboratory
Michael Moorehead University of Wisconsin Heavy Ion Irradiation and Characterization of Light-Refractory, BCC High-Entropy Alloys University of Wisconsin – Ion Beam Laboratory


20-19128: Machine Learning on High-Throughput Databases of Irradiation Response and Corrosion Properties of Selected Compositionally Complex Alloys for Structural Nuclear Materials

20-19076: Investigation of Degradation Mechanisms of Cr coated Zirconium alloy cladding in Reactive Initiate Accidents (RIA)


F. Pellemoine, C. Barbier, Y. Sun, K. Ammigan, S. Bidhar, B. Zwaska, D. McClintock, S. Taller, D. Winder, C.S. Cutler, D. Kim, Y. Chiu, M. Freer, C. Wheldon, A. Gottberg, F. Boix Pamies, M. Calviani, N. Moncoffre, S. Meigo, T. Ishida, Y. Dai, A. Couet, K. Kriewaldt, M. Moorhead, G.S. Was, O. Toader, F. Naab, P. Wang, D. Woodley, E. Getto, S. Raiman, C. Grygiel, I. Monnet, A. Alessi “Irradiation Facilities and Irradiation Methods for High Power Target ”

NEW NIM-A paper

Moorehead, Michael, Benoit Queylat, Hongliang Zhang, Kim Kriewaldt, and Adrien Couet. “Development of a versatile, high-temperature, high-throughput ion irradiation system.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (2021): 165892-

Be project from Fermilab

A critical issue for next-generation accelerators is extending the lifetime of the targets by identifying and designing materials that can withstand extreme radiation damage and thermophysical shock. 

“Irradiation Behavior of Piezoelectric Materials for Nuclear Reactor Sensors”

Marat Khafizov (The Ohio State University), CINR by NSUF 2019

THE 51ST SYMPOSIUM OF THE NORTHEASTERN ACCELERATOR PERSONNEL (SNEAP) was held successfully SEPTEMBER 23 – 27, 2018      Find more details at

“Ion irradiation of advanced materials – nanostructured steels and high entropy alloys”

Haiming Wen, Kumar Sridharan, NEUP 2018

“Ion irradiation and post-irradiation analysis of zirconium based alloys”

Naval Research Laboratory, 2017

“Role of minor alloying elements on long range ordering in Ni-Cr alloys”

Oregon State University, NEET-NSUF 2016

Conference & Meeting Attendance

“Introduction of UW-IBL, an NSUF partner facility”

Hongliang Zhang, Adrien Couet, 2020 NSUF annual meeting. Feb, 2020

“Atom probe tomography (APT) study on irradiation-induced Nb redistribution in ZrNb alloys”


“Ion Irradiation and Material Characterization Capabilities at University of Wisconsin – Madison” ~ PDF

Li He, Todd Allan, Annual NSUF Partner Meeting, May 25, 2017, Idaho Falls, ID.

“Measurement of Irradiation-induced Swelling in Stainless Steels with a New Transmission Electron Microscopy Method”

Li He, Haixuan Xu, Lizhen Tan, Paul Voyles, Kumar Sridharan, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2017 meeting.

“Evolution of small defect clusters in ion-irradiated 3C-SiC: combined cluster dynamics modeling and experimental study”

Cheng Liu, Li He, Yizhang Zhai, Beata Tyburska-Püschel, Paul M Voyles, Kumar Sridharan, Dave Morgan, Izabela Szlufarska, Materials Science and Technology 2017 meeting.

“Ion Irradiation Defects in Austenitic Alloy 709 and Ferritic-Martensitic Steel Grade 92 for Nuclear Applications”

Li He, Rigen Mo, Beata Tyburska-Püschel, Haixuan Xu, Tianyi Chen, Lizhen Tan,Kumar Sridharan, Materials Research Society Spring 2017 meeting.

“Atomic Resolution Imaging of Black Spot Defects in Ion Irradiated Silicon Carbide”

Li He, Hao Jiang,Yizhang Zhai, Cheng Liu, Izabela Szlufarska, Beata Tyburska-Püschel, Kumar Sridharan and Paul Voyles, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2015 meeting, invited talk.

“High-Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Black Spot Defects in Ion Irradiated Silicon Carbide”

Li He, Yizhang Zhai, Cheng Liu, Chao Jiang, Izabela Szlufarska, Beata Tyburska-Püschel, Kumar Sridharan and Paul Voyles, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2014 meeting.