Users and Publications

IBL Users and Publications

  • Meric de Bellefon G, Robertson IM, Allen TR, van Duysen J-CC, Sridharan K. 2020. Radiation-induced detwinning in austenitic stainless steel. Accepted Journal of Nuclear Materials.
  • Meric de Bellefon G, Robertson IM, Allen TR, van Duysen J-CC, Sridharan K. 2019. Radiation-resistant nanotwinned austenitic stainless steel. Scr Mater. 159:123–127
  • Hoffman, A., He, L., Luebbe, M., Pommerenke, H., Duan, J., Cao, P., Sridharan, K., Lu, Z., & Wen, H. (2020). Effects of Al and Ti Additions on Irradiation Behavior of FeMnNiCr Multi-Principal-Element Alloy. JOM72(1), 150-159
  • He, L. Tan, Y. Yang, K. Sridharan, “Evolution of B2 and Laves phases in a Ferritic Steel under Fe2+ Ion Irradiation at 475 °C”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 525 102-110 (2019)
  • He, L. Tan, Y. Yang, K. Sridharan, “Study of B2 and Laves Phase Evolution in a Novel Ferritic Steel under Ion Irradiation”, MiNES Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Oct. 6-10, 2019.

Zefeng Yu, PhD Candidate

“Irradiation-induced Nb redistribution of ZrNb alloy: An APT study”

YU, A. COUET, and M. BACHHAV, J. Nucl. Mater. 516, 100 (2019)

“Atom probe tomography study on irradiation induced Nb redistribution in ZrNb alloys”

Z. Yu, A. Couet, M. Bachhav, CAARI 2018, August 13, 2018

Sam Briggs, PhD

“Observations of defect structure evolution in proton and Ni ion irradiated Ni-Cr binary alloys”

S. Briggs, C. Barr, J. Pakarinen, M. Mamivand, K. Hattar, D. Morgan, M. Taheri, K. Sridharan, 479, 48 (2016)

Janne Pakarinen, PhD

“Microstructure changes and thermal conductivity reduction in UO2 following 3.9 MeV He2+ ion irradiation”

J. Pakarinen, M. Khafizov, L. He, C. Wetteland, J. Gan, A.T. Nelson, D.H. Hurley, A. El-Azab, T.R. Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials 454, 283 (2014)

“2.6 MeV proton irradiation effects on the surface integrity of depleted UO2”

J. Pakarinen, L. He, M. Gupta, J. Gan, A. Nelson, A. El-Azab, T. R. Allen, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Nuclear Research B 319, 100 (2014).

Brandon Miller, PhD

“Microstructure and mechanical properties of proton irradiated zirconium carbide”

Y. Yang, C. A. Dickerson, H. Swoboda, B. D. Miller, T. R. Allen, JNM Vol. 378, Iss. 3, Sept 2008 pg 341-348

Madhu Santosh Mutyala, PhD

“Surface modification of diamond-like carbon films to graphene under low energy ion beam irradiation”

Tinchev, S., Applied Surface Science, 258(7), 2931-2934. (2012)

Yina Huang, PhD

“Irradiation-induced effects of proton irradiation on zirconium carbides with different stoichiometries”

Y. Huang; B.R. Maier; T.R. Allen. (2014). Nuclear Engineering and Design, 227, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, Vol.227.

Chris Wetteland, PhD

“Optimal conditions for high current proton irradiations at the university of Wisconsin’s ion beam laboratory”

Wetteland, C., Field, Eiden, Gerczak, Maier, Albakri, T.R. Allen, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1525(1), 649-653. (2013)

Kevin Field, PhD

“University of Wisconsin Ion Beam Laboratory: A facility for irradiated materials and ion beam analysis”

Field, K. G., Wetteland, C. J., Cao, G., Maier, B. R., Dickerson, C., Gerczak, T. J., Allen, T. R. (2013). AIP Conference Proceedings,1525(1), 159-164

“Dependence on grain boundary structure of radiation induced segregation in a 9 wt.% Cr model ferritic/martensitic steel”

Field, K., Barnard, L., Parish, C., Busby, J., Morgan, D., & Allen, T. (2013). Journal Of Nuclear Materials, 435(1-3), 172-180.

“Variability in Chromium Segregation at Lath Boundaries in Proton-Irradiated 9 wt.% Cr Model Steel Determined by Quantitative X-Ray Mapping”

Field, K., Bentley, J., Allen, T. (2010). Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(S2), 1596-1597.

“Response of Nanoclusters in Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys to Low-Dose Proton Irradiation”

Certain, A., Field, K., Allen, T., Miller, M., Bentley, J. (2010). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 102, 846-847.

“Microchemical Variations in Proton Irradiated 9 wt.% Chromium BCC Steels”

Field, K., Bentley, J., Allen, T. (2010). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 102, 800-801.

Yong Yang, PhD

“Radiation stability of proton irradiated ZrC and ZrN”

Yang, Y. R., Dickerson, C., Allen, T. (2008). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 1036-1037.

“Microstructure and mechanical properties of proton irradiated zirconium carbide”

Yang, Dickerson, Swoboda, Miller, Allen. (2008). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 378(3), 341-348.

“Radiation stability of ZrN under 2.6 MeV proton irradiation”

Yang, Y., Dickerson, C., Allen, T. (2009). Journal Of Nuclear Materials, 392(2), 200-205.

“Proton Irradiation Study of GFR Candidate Ceramics”

Jian Gan, Yong Yang, Clayton Dickson, Todd Allen. (2009). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 389(2), Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, Vol.389(2).

“Defects and microstructural evolution of proton irradiated titanium carbide”

Dickerson, Y. Yang, Allen. (2012). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 424(1-3), 62-68.

“Stoichiometry effect on the irradiation response in the microstructure of zirconium carbides”

Young Yang; Wei-Yang Lo; Clayton Dickerson; Todd R. Allen. (2014). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 454(1-3), Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2014, Vol.454(1-3).

Clayton Dickerson, PhD

“Radiation stability of proton irradiated ZrC and ZrN”

Yang, Y. R., Dickerson, C., Allen, T. (2008). Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 98, 1036-1037.

“Microstructure and mechanical properties of proton irradiated zirconium carbide”

Yang, Dickerson, Swoboda, Miller, Allen. (2008). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 378(3), 341-348.

“Radiation stability of ZrN under 2.6 MeV proton irradiation”

Yang, Y., Dickerson, C., Allen, T. (2009). Journal Of Nuclear Materials, 392(2), 200-205.

“Proton Irradiation Induced Effects in Titanium Carbide and Titanium Nitride: An Evaluation of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties”

Dickerson, C., Allen, Todd R. (2010), ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

“Defects and microstructural evolution of proton irradiated titanium carbide”

Dickerson, Yang, Allen. (2012). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 424(1-3), 62-68.