Adrien Couet
Credentials: Principal Investigator
Position title: Associate Professor
Phone: 6082657955
Rm 921
1500 Engineering Drive,
Madison, WI 53706
Adrien Couet is part of the department of Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (WI, USA) as an Assistant Professor specialized in the environmental degradation of nuclear materials. Before his appointment at the University, he worked for Electricite de France (EDF) in France, the world largest nuclear company, as a research engineer. His research was focused on the coupling mechanisms between corrosion and mechanical stresses for various types of nuclear materials (steam generators, internals and fuel cladding). He obtained his PhD and Master in Nuclear Engineering at Penn State University (PA, USA) as well as a Master of Engineering Physics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France). He currently works on different subjects such as the hydrogen pickup and corrosion of nuclear fuel cladding in service and accidental conditions and on the effects of electromagnetic waves and nuclear radiation on nuclear materials corrosion mechanisms.
For more information, visit MADCOR Lab